The range of Italian cheeses is enormous: sweet, creamy, fresh; aged for a few days, months, or years; mild, sharp, blue, smoked.
Soft, hard, semi-hard, semi-soft. Goat, sheep, cow, water buffalo, and combinations thereof. Some are studded with truffles, some with olives. Some have wine added.
This sampler is the perfect way to start discovering some of the wonderful and unique cheeses from various regions of Italy.
Contents: Ubriaco (Approx. 0.40lb) Piave Fresco (Approx. 0.40lb) Asiago Pressato (Approx. 0.40lb) Montasio (Approx. 0.40lb) Toma Piemontese (Approx. 0.40lb)
Cutting board and knife not included. To ensure the freshest product we have in stock, we may occasionally substitute some items with similar products.